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About UnitedStand

As We stand United Through Hard Times We need a secure place to report facts to the public without being silenced or censored.

Technology has allowed us to evolve.

In these times of Unrest Let Democracy keep Peace In Hearts and Minds through UnitedStand Community Networks where we all play an equal part in our futures.


Unite and Speak as One!

Submit ANY concerns that you have that effect YOU or The World Around You, along with ANY evidence to support your beliefs!

Your community will Vote on your concerns to determine what, if anything needs to be done. 

Do Not Be Silenced or fooled into submission. If your representative is not representing you report them so we the people will know that the problem exists, so we may remove them from the seat they hold. 

Fight  With Your Mind, Your Voice and Your Free Will.


Since our representatives respond better to numbers, let's stay and stand in numbers, so we may make speedy and effective change.

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Community Networks For Every Community

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